DFC (“Drug Free Communities”) Goal One: Increase community collaboration
Objective 1: Increase by 10% the number of Coalition Members by 09/29/2018, compared to baseline, as evidenced by the Coalition Membership Roster.
Strategy 1: Communicate with faith-based organizations, parents, school, business, law enforcement, and criminal justice to increase collaboration and attract coalition membership.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Present information on the Coalition mission through FIVE (5) presentations to community groups, organizations, and agencies.
Project Coordinator
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Improve Coalition infrastructure and policy to promote greater community engagement and participation, such as scheduling both daytime and evening meetings to accommodate members with different schedules.
Project Coordinator
Executive Committee, Members
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Increase community knowledge and understanding of the issues through presentations at community meetings, media events, and publicizing the Coalition’s work, thereby raising broader community interest in coalition membership
Project Coordinator, Sectors
Complete all by 9/26/2018
Objective 2: Increase by 5% the diversity of the Coalition Membership by 09/29/2018, as compared to baseline, as evidenced by the Coalition Membership Roster.
Strategy 1: Diversify Coalition membership to be more representative of the various sectors of the community.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Participate in ONE (1) multicultural event to foster relationships and recruit new members.
Project Coordinator membership, Other Org
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Conduct a Coalition Cultural Competence Audit
Board Leadership, Other Org, Project Coordinator
Complete by 11/30.2018
Reach out to underrepresented populations through regular communication channels and attending events/meetings of cultural groups.
Project Coordinator, Other Org, Media, Religious sector
Complete all by 03/29/2018
Objective 3: Increase by 10% the satisfaction of the Coalition Members: 90% of Coalition members will report satisfaction with their Coalition membership as measured by a Membership Satisfaction Survey by 09/29/2018.
Strategy 1: Establish clearly defined roles/responsibilities for members and opportunities for members to have ownership in Coalition work utilizing the following activities:
Who is responsible?
By when?
Conduct Coalition Member Interest Inventory to identify member interests, skills, and abilities.
Project Coordinator, Chair, Sectors, Evaluator
Facilitate monthly, quarterly and as needed meetings with ongoing communication, and participation in events and strategies.
ALL 12 Sectors, Coalition Chair,
Monthly through 9/29/2018
Objective 4: Increase by 10% the participation of the Coalition Members: The Coalition will secure active participation from 70% of its members by 09/29/2018 as compared to baseline of 60% as measured by coalition meeting attendance forms.
Strategy 1: Assess results of membership enrollment and participation and encourage and facilitate membership enrollment and active participation in Coalition activities.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Continue to attract and engage new and existing members to build leadership, active participation, and resources and support.
ALL Sectors, Evaluator
Monthly, 9/29/2018
Continue to increase sector support (diverse populations, elected officials, businesses and faith community).
ALL Sectors, Sub-Committees
Complete by 09/29/2018
Ensure all sector members are involved in committee work relevant to their area of interest and expertise.
ALL 12 Sectors, Chairperson
Monthly 9/29/2018
Objective 5: Increase the knowledge of the Coalition Members: Increase by 10% the knowledge and understanding of members concerning advocacy and social monitoring of environmental risk factors as evidenced by an increase in participation in Coalition events and advocacy efforts by 9/29/2018 and measured by Event sign in sheets.
Strategy 1: Increase Coalition partnerships and the capacity of Coalition partners to recognize environmental risk factors and respond accordingly.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Provide FIVE (5) trainings to members and stakeholders on environmental prevention topics and to build leadership skills.
Project Coordinator Sectors, Executive committee
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Educate members and stakeholders about events or incidents in the community that may encourage negative and positive behavior among youth and how to respond as necessary.
Project Coordinator, 12 Sectors,
Ongoing, 09/29/2018
Repeat the Comprehensive Community Needs Assessment
Project Coordinator, Sectors, Evaluator
Complete 03/31/2018
Disseminate results of Comprehensive Community Needs Assessment at a community event
Project Coordinator, Sectors, Evaluator
Complete 09/29/2018
DFC Goal Two: Reduce youth substance use.
Objective 1: By 9/29/18 reduce alcohol sales to minors aged 12-18 by 10% by reducing adolescent access to alcohol through policy change initiatives, as evidenced/measured by compliance checks conducted by local law enforcement.
Strategy 1: Educate local alcohol permit holders.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Conduct environmental scan of store signage to ensure appropriate advertising and product placement.
ALL Sectors, Project Coordinator, Chamber of Commerce
Partner with licensees to ensure appropriate ID checks and secure their commitment to reduce underage drinking.
Project Coordinator, Business, Law Enforcement
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Collaborate with local Police Departments in conducting quarterly alcohol retailer compliance checks and publicly recognizing compliant vendors.
Law Enforcement, Alcohol Control, Youth, Coalition membership
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Provide recognition of the results of the compliance checks of retailers and vendors in newspaper and other media
Project Coordinator, Media, Chamber of Commerce
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Strategy 2: Advocate for changes in law enforcement and court policies and practices related to alcohol use violations.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Increase awareness of Social Host ordinance and promote stronger local enforcement by law enforcement.
Media, Youth, Law Enforcement
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Strategy 3: Decrease access to alcohol by Sag Harbor youth at public events.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Request all festival organizers complete a self-audit of best practices on alcohol sales and service
Target one of the annual outdoor events where alcohol is openly served
Identify event sponsors and alcohol vendors
Project Coordinator and Business Sector
Meet with vendors and provide resources (signage, ID checkers, etc.)
Project Coordinator and Business Sector
Work with local government to require vendor training and designated alcohol areas at outdoor events as part of the permitting process
Project Coordinator 12 Sectors
Objective 2: By 9/29/18 reduce cigarette sales and vaping paraphernalia to minors under the age of 21 by 10% by reducing adolescent access to such through policy change initiatives, as measured by compliance checks conducted by the Suffolk County Department of Health and/or local police departments.
Strategy 1: Educate local tobacco vendors.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Conduct environmental scan of store signage to ensure appropriate advertising and product placement including “vaping” products
All sectors, Project Coordinator, Chamber of Commerce
Partner with vendors to ensure appropriate ID checks and secure their commitment to reducing tobacco use, including vaping
Project Coordinator, Business Sector, Law Enforcement, Health Dept.
Complete all by 7/31/18
Provide recognition and celebration of compliant vendors in newspaper and other media
Project Coordinator, Media, Business , Youth
Complete all by 8/31/2018
Strategy 2: Educate parents about common methods youth use to obtain e-cigarettes and vaping.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Conduct Parent workshops on current trends in e-cigarette and vaping use among youth
Project Coordinator, Training Consultant, sectors
Complete all by 9/29/2018
Make information available through school, media and internet about e-cigarette and vaping use trends and how youth are obtaining e-cigarettes and vaping
Project Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator
Complete all by 9/29/2018
Objective 3: By 9/29/18, increase by 10% the number of public awareness campaigns regarding effective alcohol and tobacco abuse prevention, as measured by the number of community events, trainings, and media reports in the catchment area.
Strategy 1: Coordinate school and community based campaigns promoting anti-drug messaging to change the perception of normative behaviors.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Plan and host Red Ribbon Week Events emphasizing alcohol abuse and tobacco prevention, coordinated with retailers, schools, law enforcement, student groups, and others.
Project Coordinator, Youth, Media, Law Enforcement, Business, Education
Complete all by 10/31/2018
Plan, Promote, and Implement a Parents Who Host Lose the Most campaign targeting social host consequences and youth alcohol abuse.
Project Coordinator, Youth, Media
Complete all by 5/31/2018
Implement PSA Campaign educating the public about issues related to youth alcohol abuse.
Project Coordinator, Youth, Media Retailers
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Implement the “Sticker Shock” campaign focused on youth alcohol abuse prevention, in coordination with local vendors, youth, and law enforcement
Project Coordinator, Youth, Media, Retailers
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Objective 4: By 9/29/18, increase by 10% the number of public awareness campaigns regarding effective marijuana use prevention, as measured by the number of community events, trainings, and media reports in the catchment area.
Strategy 1: Coordinate school and community based campaigns promoting anti-drug messaging to change the perception of normative behaviors
Who is responsible?
By when?
Plan and host Red Ribbon Week Events emphasizing marijuana use prevention, coordinated with schools, law enforcement, student groups, and others.
Project Coordinator, Youth, Media, Law Enforcement, Business
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Implement PSA Campaign educating the public about issues related to youth marijuana abuse.
Project Coordinator, Youth, Media Retailers
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Objective 5: By 9/29/18, promote awareness and education on the effect of substance use (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, Rx drugs) to the community and schools as measured by a 10% increase of attendees at trainings, seminars, town hall meetings.
Strategy 1: Provide trainings and technical assistance on alcohol to teachers, parents and professionals that work with youth.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Identify training needs among youth-serving professionals and parents
ALL Sectors, Project Coordinator, Youth
Complete all by 12/31/2017
Provide three (3) trainings throughout the year on reducing youth alcohol use
Project Coordinator, Youth, Parent, School
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Disseminate training materials and information pertaining to prevention and alcohol use via mail, e-mail, and the Coalition website.
Project Coordinator, Media, and volunteers
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Objective 6: By 9/29/18, increase youth mobilization and advocacy by 10% as measured by Coalition Membership Attendance Records noting the attendance of youth at the activities listed.
Strategy 1: Train youth groups and peer educators to advocate for change on their campuses and among their peers.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Train youth on the issues relating to underage drinking, risks of harm related to marijuana, tobacco and e-cigarette use.
Project Coordinator, Youth
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Engage youth to become advocates for a safe, healthy, and drug-free community.
Youth, Parents, Project Coordinator
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Present educational program at school boards, schools, businesses, and other community events.
Youth, Project Coordinator
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Provide information about social host laws on web sites, town hall meeting, school meetings, PTA meetings, student athletics, rotary club, religious orgs.
Youth, Project Coordinator
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Partner youth membership with the Tobacco Action Coalition, coordinated by the Suffolk County Health Department
Project Coordinator, Youth
Complete all by 9/29/2018
Strategy 2: Encourage School Districts’ to implement district-wide policy changes.
Who is responsible?
By when?
Recruit youth advocates and teacher sponsors
Project Coordinator, Youth, schools
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Train youth as advocates for policy change to attend school based meetings
Youth, Parents, Project Coordinator, Schools
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Attend School Board Meetings and advocate for policy change, participate in School Policy Committee meetings
Youth, Project Coordinator, Schools
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Encourage Coalition Membership involvement with School Board officials.
Youth, Project Coordinator, Schools
Complete all by 09/29/2018
Encourage School District and Board to include e-cigarette and vaping provisions in their substance use policies
Project Coordinator, Youth, Schools
Complete all by 9/29/2018