SAFE in Sag Harbor and the Sag Harbor School District invite the community to take a visible stand against drugs by celebrating Red Ribbon Week from October 23-31, 2017.
Red Ribbon Week raises awareness of drug use and the problems related to drugs facing our community, and encourages parents, educators, business owners, and other community organizations to promote drug-free lifestyles.
Pierson Middle/High School has many wellness related activities and events planned for the week including two motivational speakers. On October 25, Dan Occhiogrosso will speak to students in seventh and eight grade about making the hard choices, and living for something bigger than yourself. On October 26, Matt Bellace, comedian and psychologist, will speak to parents and the community about natural highs and making a difference with your peers. He will also talk with middle school students the next day. The Middle School will cap the week off with a dodgeball tournament.
“Red Ribbon Week encourages our entire community to adopt healthy, drug-free lifestyles,” said Danielle Laibowitz, project coordinater for SAFE in Sag Harbor. “The campaign brings together parents, schools, and businesses as we look for innovative ways to keep kids and communities drug free.”
SAFE continues to work with community leaders to engage our community to reduce alcohol and other drug use by our youth and to encourage healthy alternative choices. We are always looking for community members to join us. If you want more information or want to get involved, please contact Danielle Laibowitz, Project Coordinator for SAFE in Sag Harbor at